Publié le 16 mai 2022

The CFVS launches its E-learning platform!

Specialist in training in the security sector and approved training center of the Pryntec brand, the CFVS has just launched its E-learning platform!

A platform accessible anywhere, anytime

The world is in constant motion. It is therefore important to keep up with market developments and to update your knowledge. This is why the CFVS makes training accessible and offers to train you in the installation, use and maintenance of Pryntec products.

To further this approach, an E-learning platform has been set up. Its goal is to have access to information where you want, when you want.

The CFVS uses the principle of micro-learning, which is a method of learning in short sequences. Micro-Learning allows you to learn in small doses and at your own pace.

Training provided by security experts!

Certified Qualiopi in 2021, the CFVS guarantees training that combines theory and practice on the installation, use or configuration of Pryntec products.

Real guarantee of quality, the trainings can also take place in our training center in Corpeau (21) or in your own premises, on request. You can also take advantage of public and/or mutualized funding for professional training.

Need a training ? Contact us !